

Dear Kabir,
Even with my eyes closed, I can see with clarity, our hands entwined as we take a walk around the neighborhood.
I can envision the both of us in our white and in our black as we make rounds around the Kaaba.
The image of you teaching me how to recite the Quran clearly is vivid.
Oh my! I can see you leading our daily Solats.

Dear Kabir,
Our young children, I can imagine, are praying in Sujood.
Speaking to the Almighty who alone understands.
Hassan and Hussein are such great names to call our sons
Beautiful and amazing girls like our daughters should be called Asma and Arya.

Dear Kabir,
When Ramadan is here, I see us eating Suhour together as one.
And when the call for Magrib is heard, together we prepare for our Iftar.
And when we are done with this pious obligation, Ramadan, in joy, and togetherness, we celebrate Eid Ul- Fitr.

Dear Kabir,
Eid Al Adha is approaching.
With joy in your heart, and a great sense of responsibility,
You readily purchase the sacrifice.
In accordance with the Almighty's words, you give freely to all family and friends.

Dear Kabir,
My heart leaps with joy at the thought of you.
My soul is filled with happiness because she found her mate.
Your love keeps me going day by day.
Love there was, love there is, and love there will forever be.

Dear Kabir,
You exist only in my heart, in my thoughts and imaginations, and in my pen.
Until you become reality, and my eyes meets yours,
Until you became a person that I can hold onto,
I'll keep loving you, just like I do now.

Haiza. 🖤✍️

© Haiza.