

auditory design
The phonecall I recieved offered me peace. A wonderful healing of words for my mental disease. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an issue I deal with daily,and it's a terrible affliction that leaves me rarely.
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING can set it off,causing chaotic and unrelenting thoughts.

I had to call someone to talk this through,the chaplain down the street was someone I knew.
I left a message about my plight,the mental disorder that puts up a fight.

As I waited for the prelate to return my call,I tuckered away from the world and all...

He called me back in a moments time,and talked me through my mental illness of various designs.

I felt a relief to hear his words..They offered me fearlessness to face this purge. Yes this OCD is a purge,it rids my brain of normality and compatible courage.
The beast that lives in my brain,left at once and traveled away. But it shall return some day with a vengeance,and I'll have to face this adversary for my mental independence.