

You didn't commit
You didn't commit to anything
You died by suicide
This wasn't a choice you just made
The constant weight on each side of the scale
Pushed against you until you felt
You're the dead weight
This wasn't a commitment to your struggle
It was a testament
The fight you fought
And time you used to fight it
You died in your battle
You never committed to death by agreeing to wage war
You... tried to get through it
It's a shame for all of us that you couldn't
We don't blame you for your failure
We don't hate you for your pain
But, because you lost your war
We lose you forever
We could've been at your side
You tried to fight alone
I'm sorry I couldn't see you but, it hurts when they say you committed suicide
Because that's just how you died
You were committed to live! To your family! To your friends!
Suicide is how you died
It was never your commitment
© Kasey Spotanski