

Alone Yet Strong: Finding Solitude's Grace
In a sea of faces,
I stand alone,
Surrounded by chatter,
yet all on my own.
The weight of solitude,
a silent shroud,
In this bustling room,
lost in the crowd.
Eyes that pass,
but never truly see,
A heart that longs for connection,
to be free.
But amidst the noise,
a whisper soft and low,
A reminder that within,
a light can glow.
For solitude is not always bleak, It's a chance to listen,
to learn, to seek.
In the quiet spaces,
where thoughts collide,
We find the strength within,
to let our fears subside.
So let the chatter fade into the night,
For in the silence,
we find our might.
Alone, yet not forsaken,
we stand tall,
Embracing the journey, surrendering to the call.
For in the depths of solitude's embrace,
We discover our truth,
our hidden grace.
So fear not the crowded room's embrace,
For within ourselves,
we find our sacred space.
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