

My Opinion
Talking about the way it be,
Education around my community,
Shoving itself down my throat.
It's in tatters,
It's a mess,
And we're all subjugated to be under arrest
And forced to go to a building made,
For workers back in the good ol days.

I guess those were the good ol days,
It was much easier to have the same opinions, right?

Yet, getting to the nitty gritty,
Students dont feel like they belong,
Been forced and strung along,
Like beads on a bracelet.
So fragile that they can snap,
And bam back in the cell under lock and key,
Oh I'm sorry I meant therapy.

They can't go talking about their feelings,
Without feeling like they'll be ignored,
And ignoring their emotions,
Bring out a notion that
You say you dont care.
I dont think you do.

But if those posters on the walls mean anything,
Than I guess I stand corrected.
I stand correcting you,
And all the bs that us students been put through.

How am I supposed to do my taxes,
When the only thing I know about a 401k,
Is that I'm supposed to 401 pay
To go and get a higher education,
And that higher education is the only thing that will help me get a good enough job,
To then pay back those classes that I already paid to sit in.

So, again, what's going on?

I dont really know,
but everyone seems to be singing the same songs.
Without asking if what we're learning is right or wrong.

If you want to be a sheep,
go off to your shephard.
But believe me when I tell you that I'm hunting you down like a leopard.

I won't be stopped,
my mouth will keep on opening,
and the words from my chest,
will keep on flowing.

Because if I have to stay in this place
for another 5 or so years,
I'm gonna make sure my voice is heard,
so nah, im not gonna disappear.
© Liyah Lee