the Garden of Eden
Am I forced to use
The only language
I know to be real
In my silence,
I speak the truth
She just wasn’t listening
To anything, I didn’t say
Never once in my Buddhafield
Maybe destiny deemed her
A punishment
It sure felt that way
She forced me to stand alone
And I am thankful for that
I now know what Osho meant
When he talked about courage
And individualism
She created a warrior
A madman
Nonsensical nonsense
A tidal wave overflowing
From her mouth
My sea walls no defence
Always sure she was correct
The glorification of her ignorance
Proving you can take the woman
Out of the village
But never the village out of the woman
Why are the stupid so overconfident
Their glass always overflowing...
The only language
I know to be real
In my silence,
I speak the truth
She just wasn’t listening
To anything, I didn’t say
Never once in my Buddhafield
Maybe destiny deemed her
A punishment
It sure felt that way
She forced me to stand alone
And I am thankful for that
I now know what Osho meant
When he talked about courage
And individualism
She created a warrior
A madman
Nonsensical nonsense
A tidal wave overflowing
From her mouth
My sea walls no defence
Always sure she was correct
The glorification of her ignorance
Proving you can take the woman
Out of the village
But never the village out of the woman
Why are the stupid so overconfident
Their glass always overflowing...