

Let It be Pure Love
I know you love me,
Everybody says you love me,
But you havn't proposed me yet,
You haven't tried it yet,
Are you shy or afraid to express,
Why don't you give a try,
Perhaps I might say all right,
That I love you my bhaii (laughed),

Yeah I know I love you,
And I know you love me too,
But you never gonna accept this truth,
Why don't you?,
Because you do belive in you,
That me the friend is best for you,
I don't wanna propose,
I don't wanna lose,
This friendship in exchange of intimacy,
I wanna laugh with you,
Cry with you,
Play with you , Fight with you,
Cuddle to you , Smile with you,
I wanna share every chapter of my book with you,
It's true we love each other very much,
But with the tag of friendship of such,
When we touch each other,
I don't wanna feel any sensitivity or rush,
As two bestfriend in this world,
Without any fear or jealousy of disturb,
Let it be pure love.
© Mukesh Kumar Gupta