

Unconditional Love
Have you ever been loved unconditionally.
it's the greatest love any person could ever get.
And the most scarce commodity any person could come by.
Loving someone unconditionally is a difficult task.
Especially one that has a physical challenge.
Have you imagined how difficult it may be.
To show love to a physically challenged person without a bit of pity.
Have you imagined how happy it may be.
To have someone love you without considering your weaknesses.
Has it ever cross your mind, how unconditional love will look like.
A young woman empties the bank account of an old man.
A young man pays the ultimate price for the woman she loves.
A teenage girl commits suicide because her parents insisted she stays away from the boy she loves.
A man offered himself to die in the stead of his best friend.
Could the above be seen as instances of unconditional love. Yes and No.
Yes! because unconditional love is extremely expressed where a life is lost.
No! because in every type of relationship there's a bit of sacrifice.
Have you ever been loved unconditionally.
It does not matter whether you are white or black.
It does not matter whether you are fat or lanky.
It does not matter whether you are educated or illiterate.
It does not matter whether you are beautiful or not.
Unconditional love goes beyond the ordinary.
It scouts for the little goodness in a person and nurture it to grow.
It looks beyond the visible and brings out the best in people.
Have you ever been loved unconditionally?