

The One Who Build Their Future

An honor indeed to bear a child
great heaven's gift, one of a kind.
Who shares love, tears... the sole pride
children what they called love of life.

As parent who sees children's grown,
must inseperable, mustn't be blown.
But the person had been left alone
by the partner who shares his own.

Saying love is gone, he found new...
he left the responsibility and children too.
The person is dumbfounded no ever clue,
How to raise kids, she needs cue.

She shoulder all responsibility and obligation
loving, keeping , caring kids is her decision.
She build their future with no hesitation,
while she's in pain, sacrifices and frustration.

She endure all for the children's sake
because the love she showed wasn't fake.
And even she cries she doesn't take,
failure mustn't hindrance the road she make.

And now, the kids grown up all
They, all are strong, dignified and tall.
Happy, contented, love in their soul
offered to person... a MOTHER they call.

© Love CES
Note: Always love your mother... their love cannot be compared to anything in this world.

Write a poem been inspired by a project or task be completed – whether it’s crossing something off the never-ending to-do list, or a project you have worked on for a long time