

Illusion of love
Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.

Through my child eyes I could only see perfection, innocence blinded me from seeing just how broken you are. I'd have followed you through the flames of hell if it meant you'd tell me you were proud of me. Doing things I didn't like finishing first everytime in spite the fact you weren't there, the call of your first and only true love stronger then my tears. Did you ever wonder how my game, dance recital, singing performance went, while you sat at that bar drinking with your "friends" Did you ever second guess your actions before your fist met my skin? What you find in those whores anyway? Why did your heaven have to be my hell? Did you hear me when I begged those men to leave me alone? You didn't need money, to get a fix, you had a daughter to trade. While you sat in the next room meth residue smeared across your nose. The longer you reflected on your life and how it turned out this way, the harder your steel toed boots would meet my ribcage. I wished for six birthdays straight that you'd come home sober, and be my Dad for one day
© LullabiiSkye