

Finally I know who i am
The past eight year I found out where I stand spent so much time alone I finally know who I am
I'm just a women that named your kids
and that punching bag you hit when the drugs alcohol took you away your family friends and my only aquantences never had but a few good friend that said no I am your wifes true friend
and didn't sleep with you and feed your head like the most of them did in the end
I'm stronger now but broken and scared
because I know now they were really never friends I will never be the one for you I never that girl not ever from the beginning to the end I'm not a drug addict acoholic or like those so called friends I had that just wanted you to be their husband and their their kids father not even a dad but I know I will be the one you wanted til the end you always want my fat unlgy drug addict drunk whores I thought were friends
so I gave them to you so I could learn from time to time I am free if your hitting on me and your cheating with every whore gave you dope and beer for her to have sex with her and that you a are a dope whore
for that it's her I adore she took you away from me so I could look in your windows and laugh because you treated her as you did me in the past . I know who I am im not the one that died by your hand as you laughed I'm the Beautiful girl you once had and now with you could get back
well I'm now stronger than your control I'm my own person and I never looked back I'm the one you dream of seeing and the one that was nothing you ever really had no I'm the one that took my life back and the one that will never looked back cause I'm smarter than that you showed me I was the girl you hated well that really showed me that I was greater cause I loved you for who you were but you taught me your brain was desturb and I still am alive but not because of you but because I finally found out who I am the one that has a living heart so strong it never hesitated even when you showed you only hated but I'm still better because I did love you and I really did make it but only by finding myself and realizing I'm a great hearted person stronger than even I ever knew because I survived all though years of being abused by you and the only thing you have going for you is your lack of love for the greatest woman you ever knew but as I carry on in life I know who i am because of you I am me and I am strong smart and a beautiful heart and I am loved by my kids and grandkids and friends and the woman you will always dream to have back but I will never live like that again I know who im the one you never deserved I was to good of a heart for you a the one that will always go forward in life and and never look back