

For Taylar,

A daughter so precious, a love untold,

I am dedicated to you, my heart, my world,
my soul.

From the moment you entered my waiting arms,

A mesmerizing symphony of innocent charms,

I marveled at the miracle of your birth,

A treasure I would cherish, my greatest worth.

In your eyes, I see the stars' gentle glow,

A reflection of the love we both know.

In your laughter, I find pure delight,

A melody that fills my days with light.

You are my sunshine on the darkest of days,

Lighting up my life in wondrous ways.

With every smile, you cast away my fears,

Embracing me with the warmth of love that endears.

In your presence, time stands still,

As we dance to the rhythm of our own will.

Through laughter and tears, together we grow,

Inseparable, connected, our love destined to flow.

I am dedicated to your dreams, my sweet child,

Supporting you every step of the mile.

With open arms, I'll catch you when you fall,

Guiding you to rise, so strong and tall.

Your dreams are mine, intertwined in a dance,

As we navigate life's intricate expanse.

I'll illuminate your path with a guiding light,

Filling your days with love and endless delight.

No matter where life's journey leads,

You'll always have me, a pillar indeed.

For you are my sunbeam, my reason to fight,

My love for you shines eternally bright.

So, my beloved daughter, know this to be true,

In every moment, my heart belongs to you.

Forever dedicated, forever my pride,

You are my world, forever by my side.