

Moonlight Shadow
Moonlight Shadows, Hand in hand,
Leaning through the night in the meadow,
Against the compassionate trees of faraway land...
the princess takes her stand.
With soft spoken words she looks up at her knight.
She pleads her love with all her might.
Vows to forever love him,
but due to her past
he wants nothing from her.
He implys she has a love that won't last.
She excitedly screams "I love you and want you back"
"My love for you is in the past. Look up at the moon and take it's hand
Forever it will hold you
because frankly I cant "
The two lovers time has came an passed.
Stay true to the light of the moon
and you'll be in love again soon,
stray from it's light and you'll forever be consumed by the darkness of night.

© A Heart From Burque