


Won't you embrace the darkness once and for all
Where are you running to my love
When would you stop hiding
You have been running for a long time
Won't you embrace it once and for all
You think they don't see the scars?
But they would always provide bandages
Till they can't anymore
Are you ready for that day?!
Embrace the failures
Embrace it all
The light you seek would always decieve you
It would only show you the pathway back to me
Oh you poor soul !
So Young yet such Insanity!
The world didn't spare you
The world made you a mess
Look at you trying to be a happy soul
Look at you trying to hold on
Look at you smiling
Yet your soul never cried so much
Such a confused soul
Are you happy or sad
Are you a failure or a winner
Are you confident or a coward
Are you enough or would you always want to be Her
Do you want to run or stay
Would your past always hover over you or would your future crash before it starts
Would you run or stay
When will you find the answers you seek
Embrace the darkness
Find solace in the dark
Let the nightmares be your strength
Embrace it all .

© ~lisa xoxo