

Chainless Enslavement
When it comes to the dealings of heart I tend to succumb to my feelings often from the very start, but what sets us apart from the world surrounding our being is weather when awoken from sleeping, do you continue just living or do you remain ever dreaming. I wish we could just take it slow but life's moves to fast to just let it go, i wish the tingles and butterflies would flutter forever but in the storm pretty wings get drug under oh well whatever can you even blame the weather, wishin instead youd been born with feathers, or something that could actually withstand life like a rhinos leather. I trust nobody, but only because of thosed i trusted, because of those who kept me in the rain and left me well broke and rusted. I wonder why I care so much about the ones who never really cared for me. Why did i care so much for the fucks that were never who i thought them to be! Fuck the outlook ive aquired, i could right a whole book on the promises youd hear from a fuckin liar that all the crooks could read to have an example of what to aspire to be and admire the heights of the words like the sick fucks really need more to inspire them but fuck that ide rather cut my face and stare into the fear in mirror as i draw my demons nearer, cuz at least my demons are loyal only to me.... the world is a beautiful place.... Until you take a good look at the place...We are just blisters on its face, parasites running a half legged race, a tribute to the vanity in all of its glory and wonder but mostly just a disgrace. Im choking on the same air as the mouth breathing cretens in sky scraping buildings in thrones that are really just expensive corporate computer chairs, and ide strike the tyrants down if not for the laws in place to smite any enslaved mind who so dares or tries to break free from the chains or his pain from the knives making scars on his back that he bares, and when will we realize that we gave up our power to the worst of the species, the ones that now control us are the ones who sent the jews to the showers, and kept men women and kids in cages filled with feces and treated them like pigs when they are the swine, the hogs with million dollar tusks to keep us in line, with a gold trauf full of slop that they feed us formulated and designed to control our ignorant minds, and we just ignored all the signs that could have saved lives and history is a broken record, repeating repeating repeating repeating with little to no real effort and we haven't learned our lesson yet, so you wont see me care if you end up coming to find that you have any regret, and you can bet that we will let ourselves be slaughtered, by the same ones our forefathers fought against in hopes to protect, the future sons and daughters our mothers and fathers and thsts today right now where we gave up our freedom and liberty in a few wagers and bets, carelessly loosing in a game of roulette . Fuck this planet ill do as i please, fuck this country it will topple over once weve chopped down all the trees, , fuck this species we are the pollution the sickest disease, and if you disagree with these statements then you too can continue to slave for yoir masters doing their every bidding, tricking you with the charm in their eyes and the kindness in the way they say please. And if you think im at all kidding, its you dumb fucks thsts puts me in a state of unease.
-Taylor M.