

when i see you
When i see you,
My heart melts and turn into liquid.
When i talk with you,
My heart beats fast as if ,wants to come out.

When i see you,
I can't control myself from huging you.
When i see you,
I feel power and strength in my body!!

When i see you..
My eyes can't focus on anything except you.
When i see you,
My ears can't hear anybody!!.

When i see you,
My soul gets Peace!!
When i see you,
My soul wants to come out and stay with you!!

When i see you,
I feel like,You are my better half
You are my heart!!
You are my My soul!!
You are my strength!!
And My Encouragement!!

My soul is for your soul!!
My heart is for your heart.
And I,, i am for you.
You are for me
On this day i say you
I love you with all my heart!!

© Vidhyasha
#Love&love💞 ..