

Unleashed Fury

Etch not unto her pliant flesh,
Cruel marks of your monstrous desire,
She bears your atrocities,
With silent rage,
Waiting to unleash her wrath...

unto her pliant flesh,
Cruel marks of your monstrous desire,
She bears your atrocities,
With silent rage,
Waiting to unleash her wrath.

In her eyes, a fire burns,
A spirit fierce, yet yearning to be free,
No longer a victim, but a warrior,
Defiant against your tyranny.

Her scars tell a story,
Of resilience and strength,
Each mark a testament,
To her unwavering will, at length.

For she is not defined,
By the darkness you impose,
But by the light within her,
That steadily grows.

With every step she takes,
She reclaims her power,
No longer silenced,
In this defining hour.

So beware, oh cruel one,
For her spirit cannot be tamed,
She rises from the ashes,
A phoenix unashamed.

In her eyes, a storm brews,
A force you cannot contain,
For she is a survivor,
And her spirit shall forever reign.
© Lily