

Beautiful Monster....
The sweetest smile, truly gorgeous electric magnetic personality...very very attractive...to naked eyes...
Silky smooth satin skin with the slightest hint of shae butter tempting like the devil himself with her soft mellow... tone and hypnotic ...truthful lies.
At first glance the beauty she posseses is remarkable raw beauty exotic aoura standing out amongst others she is someone... hard to forget about...you be careful still.
Love making between the two is addicting isn't it more than a monkey on your back trust me...don't try to quit...you never will.
Closer to danger than you are to your underwear and don't even know it she's so beautiful...that body... try not to look her in the eye.
See one day you'll do some shit and before you even react your got Raaawaagh!
the monster has you in her beautiful claws barring sharp teeth... you can't move...don't breath...or you'll die.

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