

Death in Living
My first memories are always dark; cramped and muffled, but I’m alive; so to speak. Every so often I would be able to claw at the dirt that picked away at my rotting limbs and mind. One day, my worn callused fingers touched something above me, and it was emptiness. Empty space, that never once have I seen, or smelled, let alone thought existed. Clawing and clawing, my body became engulfed in a bright warm light, with a sweet tingling scent. My eyes were open, finally certain my eyelids were wide open, and seeing a new world, I was alive. Legs trembling, I took my first steps. Somehow it’s like I knew to get out, that there was more to see than dark pact mud, that would shift with my growth. This began my life, making me someone, somebody known.

© AugustusElf