

Pt.1 of UnkleTT book of Poems
Just like every word I've heard I've been the verb;Action packed with things I lacked but it's now time for return of the M.A.C.S... Things for you have been so small, this is why you have to become your own ball. That's in your court for you to make it a better report, in order for you to sort out the doubt and place yourself on a new route... Like a Macedonia cookie I ain't No rookie I come from a long line of the one called Tookie Williams. Rest In Peace it's better to be deceased. Yet 1st I must spiritual increase in order to be released from the beast that is within and as a True Player I Play2Win and overcome the life I Lived spelled backwards devil in Sin, doing drugs and drinking straight Gin...and juice out there getting Loose as a goose but it's time I call a truce. One way in and one way out... Life N Death they go together you can't have one without the other Their LOVERS... Don't you get it??? Damned if you do and Damned if you don't period...WTF...lol it's life so what the hell might as well Show N Tell Recess is over you heard the bell. Time to be all you can be that's why I'm the now said Unkle TT 4 life and yes I do have a Wife... Enough Said so good night I'm going to Bed..
© Love Unkle TT Jerrie