

Everywhere I look, I see couples in love with one another, some old, some young, some of the same sex.
They seem so happy and so very much in love.
These thoughts cross my mind more often than not. ok I must admit I think of it alot.
Perhaps I was made to love no one and not to be loved in return.
What if God forgot to make someone for me.
What if he made someone for everyone just not me.
Maybe just maybe he wanted me to be free. he must have known that by some degree.
He maybe just wanted me to be
free of love maybe.
I do believe hate me, he did not.
but only wanted me to learn to love first me.
before I could find one that would love just me.
So you see, maybe he was trying to get me to open up my eyes and see. that no other could hold the key, the key to my heart.
He knew no one could ever be that smart, to unlock the love in my heart.
I suppose he thought that no other person could ever be that smart.
maybe just maybe he knew that I was unloveable.
yes I do believe that maybe he knew I would never be loved so much and never to really fall in love with any one. It saddens me to think that He might not have had so much high hopes when it came to me.
© Stephanie mh