

I was 5 once..
I was 5 once..
I thought the unicorns were real
And I would often watch cartoons with different kind of things.
I didn't know how cruel the real world could be ,
It didn't matter to me.
I was 7 once..
I would go out in the park and play Hide and seek with my friends.
I thought that moment was going to last forever until my mom got sick.
I was 10 once..
I started hanging out with the cool girls in school and wearing make up . My mom started to feel better and we would often talk about boys in my school. I wanted that moment to last forever .
I was 12 once..
I didn't like unicorns anymore, won't watch TV if there wasn't some fashion show on and I would get mad easily, slam the door and dissapear in my room. I started to get bullied , won't talk to my mom and got my first period.
Now I'm 14..
I don't watch TV anymore , I miss my old friends that I used to hang out with . I started talking to my mom , had my first kiss and a fight with that one girl in my class. Started smoking behind the buildings with some ,, cool friends ,, and I'm afraid to look in the mirror because I wouldn't know how to feel. I often stay in bed all day and watch pretty girls on tik tok . I miss the 5 year old me .
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