

in the space
In the vast expanse of space and time
Lie mysteries beyond our grasp
Unseen forces at work, so sublime
Shaping our world with a gentle gasp

The stars above, shining bright
Mysteries untold in their light
Galaxies swirling, planets in dance
A cosmic symphony, leaving us in a trance

From the birth of a star to the depths of a black hole
The universe whispers its secrets untold
Matter and energy, in constant flow
A dance of creation, a story to be told

In the fabric of space-time, we may find
The threads that weave our existence
A tapestry of life, intertwined
With the enigmatic forces of persistence

So let us marvel at the mysteries divine
And embrace the uncertainty of the unknown
For in the depths of the universe, we may find
The true essence of our own.

Libélula 🦋
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