

The kindness of friends or strangers,
Returned by treating them with respect,
With useful outcomes and positive changes,
Your actions, my reaction, in ways we expect,
The silly Acts we do together,
The friendship that lasted,
And the beautiful memories made and shared,
The beautiful sunshine that shinned right throught the mountains,
And created a beautiful picture,
It was shining so bright that the view was perfect,
As the secrets we shared together,
And the laughter's that brightened everyone up,
The planning we had as one,
But as always the sun doesn't shine forever,
It disappeared and showed up the night sky without stars,
You came into my life,
And you left,
It was sad,
But now it's like you never existed,
You just had to leave for me to be happy,
You chose another over me,
You let me love so much that it hurted when you left,
You left that deep black hole inside me,
And now everything is not the same anymore,
I've learned to let go and move on,
And now The sun brights beautifully through me,
And Inside me,
What was once black and lost found it's way to a beautiful soul like the sun,
And now that soul treats me the way you should have
© Shadow