

Whispers Of Solitude
Sometimes it is best to be in solitude,
To separate from the crowd,
So no one will intrude,
As you mumble tales alone aloud.

In the depths of silence, I find solace and peace,
Away from the noise, where worries can cease.
Alone, I wander, with stories to share,
Whispering them softly, without a care.

In solitude's embrace, my thoughts take flight,
Unburdened by judgement, free from the light.
I weave tales of wonder, of love and despair,
Lost in my own world, where dreams are laid bare.

No intrusion or interruption, just me and my rhyme,
Crafting verses that dance, standing the test of time.
For in the quiet moments, my spirit takes flight,
Exploring realms unknown, in the stillness of night.

So let me be, in this sacred retreat,
Where creativity blossoms, and solitude's sweet.
In the depths of my mind, the stories will grow,
As I mumble them alone, and let imagination flow.


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