

A Tree House You Say
A tree house for me you say
Built high in on a willow branch
were no one can see
but us .
Unless someone walks underneath of course .
Branches expanded
A beautiful invigorating
ooze of fresh air as i peep
Out of my window .
The light beaming on in
just on a wim
Glistening and sparkiling
On the brisk bark .
Beautiful leaf of willow
Taking on the last spark
Vivid colours of green
yellow and fine oak trees
My beautiful assisting neighbours
Strong and stern
Powerful magistic magical healers
Oh my willow tree home
In my bare feet i can roam in
the foilage beneath
I can here my kettle whisling to greet me on this fine beautiful day
As the Sun comes up to meet me .
With no more than a thankyou can i give for such a blessing of a home .
Between me and my willow tree home and the rising sun ...
Do i really need anything more .
Oh no not me .
Dreams ..
This is perfection to me..

written by amanda ajobrien

© amanda ajobrien