

🌵 Destructive Criticism 🌵
(Creepy Way to Look at Someone)
Doesn't lie in a positive manner.
when people say take it positively but how long will you take?
maybe untill another punch of criticism hit you.
when it hits you,your brain starts questioning to your heart,
"Why it was made in me,why i didn't take it with ease,why i am affecting to this?"
Questions can be varied
but will have same impact "NEGATIVITY"
we often try many ways to get over it
By watching motivational videos,reading motivational books & quotes.
But when nothing works for us,
our brain push our heart to the place of 😐Depression 😐

(people can help each others by pointing out their flaws and mistakes in a polite way not in sarcastic way or taking dig at,to make them look inferior in their own eyes. As people are more sensitive to sarcasm & criticism)
© dolly🤗