

I wake to walk upon the trail,
Toward the path of nightingale.

Where creatures greet me with a smile,
As I walk this sunny mile.

The fona come with joy to bring,
As they dance and as they sing.

My smile brings out many rays,
It warms their hearts in many ways.

My trail continues further down,
This pathway toward the sea of frowns.

To where the people would all see,
A ray of sunshine that is me.

Smile and wave was all they do,
As I start to wander through.

Passing glances, cheerful eyes,
Sights of joy, time really flies.

I wander back upon the trail,
To know my smiling rays prevailed.

Back to where I woke this morn,
Passing through the sea of thorn.

No hill too high, no valley low,
I’ll bring joy wherever I go.

Now I’ve done my daily task,
I’ve taken off my porcelain mask.

To slumber all the pain away,
Amongst the tears and disarray.

Now to start the same routine,
Back upon the sunny scene.

So when I see you on the while,
You’ll see nothing but my smile.

© M T Lewin