

Joe,.oh Joe, oh Joe, oh Joe!

fucking dirt bag shit sniffer, up everyone's ass

come over here JOE.

sniff my ass as I pass some gas

you fuck!

better pull that nose out joey boy

because noses up people's ass like the brownnose you are, just might get stuck!


you think you're something special, as if you're better than me!

oh Joe oh Joe oh Joe.
why can't you just see?

no need for anger, violence or putting my name out in the dirt

blah blah blah blah is all you do! Joe.

all that damn chit chat is gonna get ya hurt.

see you're no friend of mine nor will I listen to another word from you.

ya treat me like I'm beneath you and like I dont know what to do.

you go and assume shit where first off it's of no business of yours.

then ya go on ahead of me, making sure of what I'm doing.

running ya mouth about how you do everything and I don't do my chores.

got the managers looking at me like I'm the one with a problem or something's wrong.


my work ethic is far above yours.

I do my work good, and I'm working all day long.

you Fuck!

how about you go back to the starfish or whatever you say you did.

cuz here at inn at Wecoma bitch.

your messing with a my job, criticizing my work as if you do better.

no joe, your just a egotistical meniacal kid.

one who needs his ass beat and put in the ground.

so little Joey Joey,,from here on out best shut ya mouth.

I'd better not here a mother fucking sound.

you don't know me or where I've been or what I've done.

bitch! I'll knock your head off spinning with my round house kick your face.

stomp you like my redhead stepchild fucker.

so fuck off..... SON!

© Derrick Peterson