

Twist in Tale
We have often heard that tale,
Where heroes are always the male,
Where there's a beautiful princess,
Who is woken up by his prince's kisses.
And the end always turns out to be soothing and happy,
So let's try to make it a bit more catchy.
Let the princess be the warrior,
With Prince no more her savior.
She is the leader of the kingdom,
And is fighting for justice and freedom.
Leading her army to the battlefield,
And carrying a sword with a shield.
She has no sense of fear,
But her enemies will have eyes full of tears.
Riding on her horse back,
She has promised to never step back.
Lifting her sword high in the sky,
She has been the reason for many are men to say this world a farewell goodbye.
She seems fearless,
And her looks are priceless.
She has not born to be someone's bride,
But rather to become her father's pride.