

A Timeless Dialogue
In the moonlit garden of eternity,
Two souls from distant worlds convene;
Cleopatra, queen of ancient sands,
And Galileo, the starry-eyed dreamer, unseen.
Cleopatra speaks with wisdom old,
"Galileo, seeker of celestial spheres,
What do you see in the endless night?
What truths have you unraveled in the silent years?"

Galileo lifts his gaze to the stars,
"A universe vast, beyond ancient sight,
I found a cosmos teeming with wonder,
Galaxies swirling in the endless night."

Cleopatra smiles with a knowing glance,
"And what of the hearts beneath these skies?
For I have ruled and loved and lost,
In the weaving dance of earthly ties."

Galileo ponders her words, profound,
"Your world of power and love entwined,
I charted stars but not the soul,
A riddle I've yet to unwind."

"Then let us share," Cleopatra sighs,
"Knowledge of heaven and earth combined,
For what is wisdom without the heart?
What is science without the divine?"

Galileo nods with a gentle smile,
"Indeed, O Queen, our paths converge,
To know the stars, we must feel their fire,
To rule the earth, the soul must surge."

Together, they sit, two minds as one,
Under the endless cosmic dome,
One speaks of stars, the other of sands,
Both seeking a truth that brings them home.

And thus, across the ages, they converse,
A dialogue of minds, time cannot sever,
A queen and a scientist, lost in thought,
In a timeless garden that blooms forever.

© poembyselly