

I love you
I love you more than the world will ever understand.
But I am also scared
Not of love
But of what you might see.
Everytime I have ever let my gard down
My heart gets broken
I know you are not like the others
But my traumas sick to me like glue
I am a fragile person
I get attached
Only for them to stab me right in the heart
So I am sorry if I push you away
It is not you
I just want you to understand
The pain that they put me through
I want to tell you all of it
But I freeze everything I try
I am scared you will judge my past
I'm scared to let you see me cry
I know you love me unconditionally
But my heart isn't over the fear of abandonment
But everytime I am with you
That fear slowly goes away.
You are slowly helping me put my gard down
Which o thought was impossible
You are making my trauma weak .
Everytime I see you my smile slowly turns bigger
My love for you is from another world
And you make me feel okay.
I am scared of the scars you might see
But I am slowly becoming okay
Okay with you seeing my past and love me for who I truly am.

© Jess