

Soul’s Sculptures
In the symphony of life, we find our own tune,
shaping our identities beneath the shining moon.
like sculptors of self, we chisel our core, carving out the essence that we adore.
Through trials and triumphs, we learn and grow,
molding our identities, a masterpiece to show.
crafting a unique story, vibrant and bright.
like a kaleidoscope, we hold many hues,
blending together, creating vivid views.
Embracing our identities in a colorful display.
From humble beginnings, we define our own path,
Weaving dreams and purpose, we find our voice,
creating an identity that makes our hearts rejoice.
So let us embrace the power within our souls,
To shape our identities and make ourselves whole.
For it is in the journey, as we make our way,
that we discover the beauty of who we are today.
© All_star