

A piece about beauty, about stability and strength.

I sometimes look at the mountains and quiver with awe, with desire and wonder. Nothing looks as solid, and stands as resolute as a mountain,

I guess sometimes I check them out.

Like a man when courting a woman for the first time, or like a woman blushing in the presence of her lover. I study them : every curve, every top and width and height and breath and shape, and layout, every place of attraction. I learn it all. Going on it up and down, and under with my eyes, from every angle and from every direction.

I always look at the mountains and think : But God created a masterpiece here. No doubt! As a result I stare at them, lovingly in absolute admiration. I swear the day I find myself a man he better look at me the same way I look at the mountains, and I promise I'd fall in love with him daily, just because.

Nonetheless, this piece is not about my love life, this piece is rather about mountains and how I sometimes look up to them and start asking questions as if talking to a friend : This is a habit that dates back to my childhood days. When I use to climb mountains in search for lost sheeps.

Sometimes we climbed them for fun, sometimes for adventures, other times for delicacies, for wood, for cow dug, sometimes we climbed them for solitude, for prayers, for hunting and other times for feeding "abakhwetha" the boys in the initiation schools.

The mountains become my favorite place. They became a close friend that I confided all my secrets to: my first sins, my worst fears, crushes, my confusions, my nightmares and frustrations. "Unomqolo" knew even my tears. That was a mountain closest to my home.

In my village, mountains stand close by, circling us all around. In them I left trails of my feet, always searching for something about my strength and other times something about my purpose, and everytime something about the truest meaning of what beauty is. These mountains were never far enough nor did they hid from my questions about life. About myself, about them.

"What makes you stand strong?" Sometimes I'd ask them this question angrily, whenever I felt like my life was falling apart. I'd ask them everytime life would play it's crual tricks on me:


I would sometimes say this in a dying voice that was almost fading out, choked out by thorns of harsh life realities. Sometimes in angry, agitated voices that searched for the fights still left in me. I'd yell at them, screaming at the top of my lungs : "WHAT MAKES YOU STAND STRONG, ANSWER ME : WHAT MAKES YOU STAND AT ALL ?" Sometimes, I would speak to them tenderly with soft voices of friendship, hoping they would share with me the secret to their strengths, to their patience and obedience towards the voice that established them. I mean mountains still stand firm even today as they did in the beginning. They still hold the four corners of the earth by their garments as ordained.

Scriptures say "Heavens and earth will pass away."

But, neither the heavens nor the earth have passed away just yet because the mountains have not yet been released from their duties. Yes, there is no passing away of the earth without the mountains moving. And moving away from their places they don't. They don't even switch places. No, instead they stand strong in their purpose. Resolute! Without ever wishing to be something else other than what they were created to be. Without ever doubting their abilities to fulfill their call, it's as if they know they were created perfect.

It's mountains not humans, obviously they don't speak. I am a human being not a mountain, obviously I don't speak "mountainees," but man, I learn so much and hear even more just by looking at them. It must be, because I think we cannot depend on ordinary tools to win extraordinary fights. We cannot search for answers in ordinary places when faced with extraordinary destiny questions, and challenges. On that note, you better believe me when I say this to you because it is true:

Everything on earth has a voice and an ear, listen closely because everything on it will tell you something about God. Even the dust can bring you answers from above that humans can't. Can teach you something about Him, lessons that people cannot even begin to fathom.

Therefore, master courage and learn from their obedience towards the voice that spoke them into existance. Yes, the mountains. Myself, I won't even pretend, I crave living out my purpose like they do. Imagine being that stubborn, that loyal and that resolute with your purpose. Living it out, living it through; come what may.

Mountains are that amazing. They are God's design just like you and I. The difference is: mountains rarely ever yield to the scorching sun, to the intimidating darkness of the night. Though hit by winds, and storms. By hurricane and volcanoes, by fires and hails, by snows and earthquakes. They stand. Sometimes they shake, I imagine, but never do they move I'm convinced. They would rather break in half, in part than to move from their position, from their purpose.

I don't know just how many have taken my breath away. And everytime, I give my breaths away without resistant because every glance at every mountain I have ever seen and every climb on every mountain I have ever mounted has taught me heights and climbs that I had never even thought possible, and finally their secret too.

And that secret is simple this: "Do not pass away from this life until your purpose on earth is done." That means, don't you dare die before your time. Don't you dare move, not even an inch from where the creator established you to be. Don't you dare surrender to anything that is not His voice, or yield to anything or to anyone that is not Him.

Be like a mountain. Strong, resolute, immovable, and confident in your purpose. Tire every storm, survive every punch, and out live every disaster.

I am

© Ludia M