

The world inside the light bulb

It is astounding
Every dimension
Brings me a new perception
The things I can do
from nowhere is that rare
is it acceptable here
as one day I feel so projected
then another fully rejected
I hit my bed
My energy depleted
From the crafty .
When I feel the rain
pitter patter
on my heart strings
I ask why do you judge me
why cant you just smile for me
be happy for me
dance with me and be unique
with me clap for me
I love you you see
for all things I clap for you
to see you prosper
to see you happy in your smile
to see you go for it and smash your life doing everything that makes you happy
seeing your world shattered
to the point of exclusion
from it all
sitting alone
trying to grow up tall
in a world that is shocking
unless your supported
not excluded
being taken for as deluded
dont ever allow yourself
to be nothing but you
when your always the forgotten one ...
one day that door will burst wide open like it never as before
you will never need validation
for all rejection
so just be the lightbulb
within the vast blue sea
in a world that maybe does not see or here you
leave them to it ..
in a world that needs
to leave us all to discover
who we can be.
let the jelouse ones leave you
as they cant clap for the same as you
leave them to judge
for they are not ready to receive your love
so let them reject you all the way
today is your day not theres anyway ...
so yes your rare unique self does matter so does all of your talents
so here here clap for yourself
Your essence that is
so you applaud it ....
when no body else will ....

© amanda ajobrien