

In Deeds, Not Words
What Are the Things a Loving God Would Do?

He, who gave us life to live,
Who sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die for us,
Protects us from the shadows that lurk,
From evil deeds hidden in the dark.
He asks only to be remembered, to be praised,
A simple act with a heart full of love.
So the question we should ask is this:

What has God done for us, lovingly?
He has shielded us from countless dangers,
Every single day—
Though we may not see it.
We cannot know, unless we believe
In our almighty God.
Not merely by attending church every Sunday,
But by carrying Him in our hearts,
For the temple of God is not just a place—
It’s a bond between you and Him,
A reminder of His endless sacrifices,
Keeping us alive, protected, and loved.

So the real question is:

What have we done to thank our loving God?

Yes, we praise Him in church,
Yes, we thank Him in daily prayers.
But that alone isn’t enough.
True devotion lies in thinking of Him,
In our moments of need,
In our moments of doubt,
In every hesitant step we take.
To thank God means to live by His example—
In deeds, not just words.
To remember His sacrifice,
His protection,
His kindness,
And the gift of His son, Jesus Christ—
Forever imprinted on our grateful hearts.

© coleyyy