Two Eyes Stare.
2 eyes stare at me
Please, don’t look at me
What do you want from me?
Tuesday something crashed and burned
The reded desert lights up with flames
I know this looks bad yeah sure
But I sware I’m not the one to blame
In the rumble it lies there watching
A Two eyed, tiny blotchy face
If I’m smart I’ll walk away
If I smart I wouldn’t be here in the first place
What are you?
What am I?
Could I find out in I tried
Are you a hatchling
Or an adult
Did your parents die?
In a world so cold and slimey
Somthing soft lies at my feet
Do I look as weird to you as you do to me?
Your face slits
Slowly open, inside sitting two eyes
Nither green or black
Bright blue
And stareing terrified
I want to just reach out
But I’m pretty sure you’ll fight back
And don’t know what to do
Suddenly oh hark apiphney
You relize I mean no harm
Right when I hear
Eight limbs a stumbling
Comeing right towards the barn
What is that?
What is this?
I can’t belive that it exsits
Do we call someone
Write what it dose on this list
Is it binary? If so
Is it a boy?
Is it a girl?
It looks so different to us
What do we look like to her?
It panics
Please, don’t look at me
What do you want from me?
Tuesday something crashed and burned
The reded desert lights up with flames
I know this looks bad yeah sure
But I sware I’m not the one to blame
In the rumble it lies there watching
A Two eyed, tiny blotchy face
If I’m smart I’ll walk away
If I smart I wouldn’t be here in the first place
What are you?
What am I?
Could I find out in I tried
Are you a hatchling
Or an adult
Did your parents die?
In a world so cold and slimey
Somthing soft lies at my feet
Do I look as weird to you as you do to me?
Your face slits
Slowly open, inside sitting two eyes
Nither green or black
Bright blue
And stareing terrified
I want to just reach out
But I’m pretty sure you’ll fight back
And don’t know what to do
Suddenly oh hark apiphney
You relize I mean no harm
Right when I hear
Eight limbs a stumbling
Comeing right towards the barn
What is that?
What is this?
I can’t belive that it exsits
Do we call someone
Write what it dose on this list
Is it binary? If so
Is it a boy?
Is it a girl?
It looks so different to us
What do we look like to her?
It panics