

Two Eyes Stare.
2 eyes stare at me
Please, don’t look at me
What do you want from me?

Tuesday something crashed and burned
The reded desert lights up with flames
I know this looks bad yeah sure
But I sware I’m not the one to blame

In the rumble it lies there watching
A Two eyed, tiny blotchy face

If I’m smart I’ll walk away
If I smart I wouldn’t be here in the first place

What are you?
What am I?
Could I find out in I tried
Are you a hatchling
Or an adult
Did your parents die?
In a world so cold and slimey
Somthing soft lies at my feet
Do I look as weird to you as you do to me?

Your face slits
Slowly open, inside sitting two eyes
Nither green or black
Bright blue
And stareing terrified
I want to just reach out
But I’m pretty sure you’ll fight back
And don’t know what to do

Suddenly oh hark apiphney
You relize I mean no harm
Right when I hear
Eight limbs a stumbling
Comeing right towards the barn

What is that?
What is this?
I can’t belive that it exsits
Do we call someone
Write what it dose on this list
Is it binary? If so
Is it a boy?
Is it a girl?
It looks so different to us
What do we look like to her?

It panics