


Nobody knows the real me.
Nobody knows ,
How many times I have cried in my room;
When nobody was watching .
My secret ?
Nobody knows,
What I put on the front is to hide the real me,
As I am afraid ;
Nobody will like the real me.

Nobody knows,
How many times I have lost hope;
Nobody knows,
How many times I have been let down;
Nobody knows,
How many times I felt like I am about to snap;
Nobody knows, that I keep myself together,
for the ones I love;
Nobody knows,
the thought that goes through my head; When I am sad,
How horrible that really are;
Nobody knows,

Nobody knows ;
it's empty,
The smile that sometimes I wear.
Nobody knows;
I am crying,
They won't even see my tears.
When they think;
I am laughing,
I wish if you were there.

Nobody knows it's painful ;
They think that I am strong,
it wont hurt me;
But I wonder if they are wrong.

Nobody knows the real me;
They just think they know me.
it's so sad;
Nobody knows the real me,
Maybe, it's because I am not open enough;
Or maybe,
it's because there is nobody to trust me;
But I would rather tell my thoughts
to and stranger.
As I know;
They would judge me.
But they don't know that I am crying,
when I am all alone.

The stronger ones and the strongest people,
Are the ones;
Who love beyond all Faults,
But cry behind closed doors;
And fight Battle's that nobody knows about.
But I know;
Only those
Who have really known darkness;
Can only truly appreciate the light.

© Auradeus