

Here's a short poem about sorrow:

Sorrow's dark veil descends upon my soul,
A heavy heart, a spirit that's lost control.
Tears fall like rain, a deluge of pain,
Longing for solace, but in vain.

Memories haunt, a bittersweet refrain,
Echoes of joy, now tinged with sorrow's stain.
The ache within, a hollowed space,
A grief that gnaws, a heart that's replaced.

In sorrow's depths, I search for peace,
A respite from anguish, a world to cease.
But like a shadow, it follows me still,
A constant reminder of what's been lost, what's unfulfilled.

Yet even in sorrow, a glimmer shines,
A hope that heals, a heart that re-aligns.
For in the darkness, a light will seep,
And sorrow's weight, will slowly start to sleep.

Would you like me to generate another one or is there anything else I can assist you with?