

Sorry to the disabled
living every moment in pain is the worst thing in life
Spending every second fighting a physical challenge takes a lot of motivation
Having to watch other people enjoy life is very painful
One could never imagine the pain they go through
Unless they had experienced it
Sorry to those who struggle to overcome pain in the night
And endure aching in the day
Imagine the emotional stress they go through
The stigma, rejection and discrimination
Some of these people endure these challenges for a lifetime
They are gifts from God
They need to be handled with extra care
They need to be treated with much respect
They need to be loved unconditionally
And they need to be helped
A physical challenge could really make a person look like a child
Or be underestimated by others which is not fine
Especially one that you cannot hide
Sorry for every tear you shed for every unfair treatment
When you should have been greatly loved and accepted
#Sorry to the disabled