

Black Milk
Like if somebody care
Or just have the courage to dare
Lost in your dreams
Fading slowy by your fears
No, don't open your eyes
Don't see there are fights
Don't even try, it will hurt you,this silent cry no one hear you

'cause you lived
And they want you under dust murdered
obliged to look down
The sky is not own
Keep running don't turn behind
They're searching don't let them find
Our whispers out of your mind
Down in the well ,our wishes come true, isn't it cruel ,how this monsters can eat you

But your soul
will revenge
All the calls
Won't be strange
Blood on walls
Everythin' will change
Deeper it falls
But you will manage
To make it done once for all
With no regret,turn the page
Does it worth?yes after all
U didn't accept to die in the cage
Between four walls
You dig out with rage
You're back home,you don't know
You're soul fall apart, in the unknown
Look at me, what happened?you scare me,i'm frozen

Tell me all the story
I'll trust you don't worry
But down,you change completely
Million questions in my mind make it so heavy
I need some answers quickly
However it's doesn't look easy
Why his hand are bloody
This look... it's so  scary
Yes you change...
I can see this
Don't blame me
You're soul still lost
In the forest forsaken
Don't search it , don't do it
It'll make you go crazy
To face reality again...

© Recker_The_Ghost