

Human Spirit
How would you begin to describe human living?
A mere existence in time? Or a life filled with giving?
The drive, the emotion, the spirit life brings,
Is something way beyond just the visible things.

From tireless efforts there rose a determination so strong,
A willingness to persevere through the heart-ache that may come along.
“Never say never”, an attitude there came to rise,
So, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going” will help energize.
A continued journey to achieve amazing feats.
The Human Spirit of, ‘not just laying back in your seats’.

Positivity there may always be all in all,
Lurking negativity and compromise is the cause of a fall.
Contentment from being mediocre is a dangerous sign,
Satisfaction from complacency is like walking a fine line.
By donning blinkers, the question is, to where will we be led?
Possibly a place of uncertainty? Where we may dread.

Afterall we are mankind, who are prone to have fault,
An element most common, yet one that shouldn’t bring us to a halt.
Here, comes in that Human Spirit of reaching for perfection,
Always bettering ourselves, so as to give direction.
To create a path that leads to our goal,
Accomplishments, one by one, making us feel whole.

Finally, what makes us unique are the emotions and feelings we harbor,
That never dying spirit inside, giving us ardour.
A recognizable and unmistaken spirit setting us apart,
Remains an element so vital and intangible, right within our heart.

-Sheldon Dominic Fernandez

Editor: Elrica Wendel Menezes
B.Sc. Human Development
B.Ed. English & Science