

HOW ???
Sitting by the river on a peaceful Saturday,
Looking at the birds chirping,
The water flowing,
Ants and birds building their nests,
Sounds of cars passing in a distance,
Leaving me to wonder, How?

How are things still moving,
How can the water flow knowing well my flow of life is broken,
How can the birds be heard when my inner voice is screaming and no one hears,
How are they building new homes when my own is broken,
How can the world move on while I'm stuck,
Everything continues, I guess we go with the fastest runner,
Cameras are only as fast as the first,

Do they ever wonder ,
If there is something like not having enough,
Not having enough energy to flow,
Not having the strength fo build,
Your voice not being heard,

I guess I'll never know,
Or maybe I am at the wrong place.

#writco #writcopoems #poems #hope #broken #flow #lost #struggle

© angelawrites