

Her Insolence

They could write you poetry
Then prick their finger twice
They could send you flowers
But they'd bathe in all the lies
The thorns could never hurt you
You fell right out from the sky
Bare your teeth, you're in another dream
Who dares to hurt your pride?
In patience, wait but what we've been
Could make us all die thrice
Your words, theyre so bemuding
Tell me, where do your thoughts lie?
If we paint t;hem on the ceiling
Would it make a pretty sky?
Scar him with your honesty
We play nothing but play dead
Take them from reality
Does he live inside their head?
Make the music sing vitality
A war has just begun
Entertainment like the evergreen
Who has he now become?
Do they recognise reflection?
Do they even know their name?
He's lost in misdirection
It's her pretty little maze
Stung by lovers after sunset
Licked their wounds throughout the day
The creatures meditating
Come dark they cease to pray
His body lines the sewers
They pulled his insides out
His flesh scattered in its pieces
There never was a doubt
The strings dangled like fine jewellery
From their teeth and from their paws
Like a faith that's so addicting
He fed psychotic to their claws

© Adi Aartse