

Who are you???
you might be who you say you are
but that's not the experience I've
had so far.
I don't know how to explain to you
the things what's led me to this
it started when I fell in love but I got
hate instead love.
they told me how the hated me they wish
I would die away.
for years they'd call me to( that) place just
to bash me in the face.
they did this over and over again then
acted like we should be friends.
then they talked of loving me after
wishing I would just be killed.
and the other one is just dead to me the
lies still lingers and won't let me be.
look you might be who you say you are but I've had that told to me before they present a picture as it is them. I've lost a lot on this thing a lot and by the grace of God I didn't kill anyone. I trusted them they killed that trust they show me over and over that I mean nothing to them. Now you want me to trust that you are who you say you are after being told that for years by them and trusting them.... see all I'm on this thing for is to quote and write a story or two not to be done like those others did me. I keep my words to what I think. ....a woman wants to hear.... what I think nobody else just my thinking I don't talk to nobody because I don't want NOBODY to think that I am hitting on them woman or man. I not trying to win NOTHING because I NEVER was nor will ever be competing with NOBODY they are competing with me see right about now...
I don't give a flying Fuck if the live or die
or fall off the face of the earth.
I'm not here to fall in love a nice thought
but on these thing I've experienced them talking to me my mama all my sisters and my children all at the same time.time.They told me why choose when you can have them all
as if they were doing me a favor by talking to me like I'm not as good as them.
I don't play with my life or my love.....it's special to me....and real love is almost
Don't tell me not to give up.... on what???
All I'm here for is writing.
By the way Who are you really.