

Philosophy of the Pen
The Pen - small, yet a prophet of truth or lies.
Designed to dictate, confirm, be honest or chastise.
A weapon of great strength, yet one of destruction.
An instrument of man's success or obstruction.

The Pen - the voice of democracy.
Voice of the voiceless, void of supremacy.
It scribbles thoughts or emotions.
Anger, sorrow, love, pain - all decided by life's motions.

The Pen - a tool of power to empower.
One feared and loathed by all, enough to cower.
An evidence to a plea of guilty, or not guilty?
Spunned from a web of choas and accountability.

The Pen - used from time of great age.
An architect of mere words arched out, causing ripples of change.
History made possible been told again and again.
Bearing witness to great deeds of philosophers and scholars.

The Pen - used by all, yet loyal to none.
A soldier without a gun, ink as bullets ‐ aimed to stun.
The unifier of great visions, past and present stories.
A sure win of battles, signaling the start of future glory.

Though small, the pen deemed mightier than the sword.
Symbol of truth pressed to earth to rise again.
Purging clean the decayed walls of tyranny.
An ultimate tool for peace and harmony

With this pen be an author of purpose.
Your voice been in truth even when opposed.
The pen, stays true to who stays true to it.
A known promise from the philosophy of the pen.

#democracy #justice #truth #humanity #humanrights

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© Naomi Kamara