

reality's shore,
Standing at the edge of reality and disbelief,
A broken soul shivers deep,
Was torn and shattered on the reef.

Whispers of guilt fill the air,
A broken soul, burdened with despair.
At the edge of reality, teetering on the brink,
Where disbelief and truth interlink.

Once whole, now fragmented and torn,
Upon life's reef, its spirit worn.
Shattered pieces, scattered wide,
Yearning for comfort, seeking to hide.

But within the depths of darkness bleak,
A flicker of hope, waiting to speak.
From the ashes, strength will rise,
Embracing scars, it shall realize.

For in the mending of a broken heart,
Comes resilience, a brand new start.
With time's gentle touch and healing grace,
The shattered soul finds its rightful place.

So fear not the edge of reality's shore,
Where disbelief and faith explore.
For from brokenness, strength is found,
A testament of the soul's rebound.
© dougienever