

Echoes of Unlived Dreams: A Silent Wish for Others
My life's already in ruins,
True happiness seems elusive tunes.
A place to call home, I may never find,
Weary of trying, worn and confined.

Tired of this perpetual, heavy emotion,
Happiness, it seems, not my destined portion.
Yet, for those around, I wish joy sincere,
Hoping they'll know what it's like, crystal clear.

May no young girl face the same wars I fought in my mind,
May love surround her, compassion bind.
Confident, secure, complete within,
Fearless to smile, laugh, and begin.

May she capture moments of her ethereal self with boldness and audacity,
Embrace love without a shadow of uncertainty
Comfortable in her skin, feeling pretty,
Unshaken by hate, critics, and the nitty-gritty.

Beautiful inside, a charming personality,
A life with courage, free from anxiety.
May her relationship with God stand strong,
Diligent and faithful, a melody, a song.

Unlike me, held back by anxiety and trauma,
May she live life to the fullest, without any drama.
Surrounded by family, children, and a loving spouse,
A life I yearned for but couldn't espouse.

These wishes aren't mine, for my path is unclear,
But for every girl, I hope this life draws near.
I'd rest content, happy, at peace in my grave
Knowing I am the last and worst of my kind that would be made.

© Unknown