

Lost Love ---Miss you
How glad you were when you see me
for the first time!
I can't recall how exhilarated I was.
Bypassed my lunch I came to the
pre-planned place of our first visit.
I scrutinized the place for a few seconds
and assured myself that no one was there.
She came and her perfume
descended deep into my nose.
I gazed into her eyes and wow!
it glitters like stars.
My mind became blank and void
and forgot all the prepared questions!
place, which was empty till the minute
packed with people after she came.
They stood with devilish smiles.
I wondered about her height.
Ah! no. Why should I be afraid?
True love can't be stopped by anything.
She asked ″boy, are you serious″?
″Yeah, well″.why not, replied I
I look childish, but I could handle things.
She smiled and I took it as a green signal.
I pondered grabbing her hand and walking back
but was too risky.
My heart and brain teamed up and
prevented me from being naughty.

while walking back I noticed
how comfortable my shoes are.
yes! relationships must be like this
neither too tight to suffocate the other nor
too loose and make the other feel empty
Lace gives perfectness to shoes
dedication gives flawlessness to relations.
© kev