

I Learned
I learned I learned that tomorrow will be a brighter day a new start a new direction a new aim that's high as hell a heart that will knock a giant off of his feet I learned that to love I have to love myself first stay healthy before I can love anyone else and remember the battle is not mine it's the lord's I can't change anyone I learned to let go and never look back what matters is in front of me my eye's are open I'm a afraid but my heart is strong my blood runs warm through my veins I'm alive if you call my name I will answer my back is against the wall when I look at it thank God that my back is a against the wall because no one can stab me in the back nothing should ever happen again because I can see I can see everything that's coming my way I have an eye that can see wolves in sheep clothing I learned that you can't live off of love you have to get up and make it happen I learned that if you don't work you don't eat I learned I learned
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